lai mueum official website all rights reserved

Coordinación y comisariado: Klauss van Damme & Maria Castellanos

photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved

photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved - lai museum official website all rights reserved

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Artistas participantes: Alberto Valverde, Begoña Muñoz, María Castellanos, Nacho González, Olalla Cortizas, Rocío Pinín, Alfredo Colunga, Helena Toraño, Nel Amaro, Haya Blanco, Teo Hernando + Angeles Suárez, Valle Baranda Ferrero, Basilisa Fiestras, Ernesto Coro, Ana María Muñiz, Jaime Rodríguez, Inés Fernández, Marcos Arroyo, Carolina Caluori, Pedro Menchaca, Bea Sieiro, José Suárez, Luis Pineda, Sin Título Autobús. Gestión y Soporte logístico Lola Rionda & jf Carrascal


Enmarcado dentro del contexto del salón de ná... VIDA'2009 que transformó temporalmente Sala LAi en un lugar de encuentro para el intercambio de propuestas e inquietudes y el chateo en vivo con los que vienen a "casa" por Navidad, se presentó un proyecto expositivo específico que acogía y mostraba para su contemplación en horario ininterrumpido piezas creadas por diferentes artistas.

El Laboratorio de Arte íntimo se ofrecía una vez más como campo de experimentación, convirtiéndose ocasionalmente en un espacio para el muestreo y trueque de piezas entre artistas al acoger un proyecto artísitico que proponee invita a la creación y disfrute de un lugar donde abastecerse de regalos únicos, pequeñas obras de arte exclusivas y obras de arte seriado de tirada limitada, numerada y firmada. Arte portátil para llevar, disfrutar y regalar o regalarse a uno mismo. Un juego de espejos donde realidad y ficción se funden y confunden provocando encuentros y confrontaciones que cuestionan y celebran los festejos navideños, en cuyos rituales y ceremoniales se ampara una vez al año la demostración de afectos ocasionales y el revivir de amores eternos.



lai museum official website all rights reserved - - - - - - - - - - - lai museum official website all rights reserved


Y para que todo enCAJAra, Sala LAi abrió excepcionalmente los días 22 y 23 de diciembre de 2009 en horario de mañana y tarde, de 12:00 a 14:30 h. y de 17:00 a 22:30 h., para facilitar las posibilidades de encuentro entre los artistas participantes, sus amigos, familiares y allegados y posibilitar a los interesados el intercambio o posesión de las piezas mediante donaciones o bonos de aguinaldo.


photogrtaphy copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reservedRegistro artístico yy Fotografía © Begoña Muñoz 2009







photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimusem all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved




El concepto y planteamiento del proyecto expositivo establecía una dinámica procesual para la aportación de piezas de arte, de materiales y formatos libres.

La idea consistía básicamente en que todas las piezas que formaran parte de la exposición fueran susceptibles de ser portátiles, trasportables, plegables, piezas para llevar de viaje, etc.  y cantidad ilimitada, siempre teniendo en cuenta el tamaño y características de la sala y el número de artistas participantes.

Y... TODOenCAJA, las cajas podían ser de diferente tamaño y material, nuevas o recicladas, para guardar o ensamblar, con ruedas, con asas, sin ellas, como fuera o fuese... pero que sirvan para quien quiera hacerse con una pieza para disfrute propio o ajeno pudiera llevársela en su correspondiente caja.


photogtaphy copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtsy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009_vegap courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved
photogrpahy copyright begoña muñoz 2009 c0urtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtsy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009_vegap courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved
- - - - - - - - Begoña MUÑOZ - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - María CASTELLANOS - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - Nacho GONZÁLEZ - - - - - - - -
photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights resefrved
- - - - - - - Alberto VALVERDE - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Rocio PINÍN - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - Alfredo COLUNGA - - - - - - - -
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved- -lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimueum all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved
- - - - Olalla Cortizas - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - Nel Amaro - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - -Ana Maria MUÑÍZ - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - Jaime RODRIGUEZ - - - - - - - -
photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimueum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimueum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved
- - - - - - - - Marcos ARROYO - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - Valle BARANDA Ferrero - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - Pedro MENCHACA - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - Helena TORAÑO - - - - - - - - -
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009_vegap courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009_vegap courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009_vegap courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimueum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved
- - - - - - - - - Inés FERMÁNDEZ - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - Jose SUÁREZ - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Bea SIEIRO - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - Alfredo COLUNGA - - - - - -
photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimueum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009_vegap courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009_vegap courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved
- - - - - - - - - - Haya Blanco - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - jf Carrascal - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - Luis PINEDA - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - Begoña MUÑOZ - - - - - - - -
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009_vegap courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved - -------lai museum official website all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimueum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved
- - - - - - - - - - - - Nel Amaro - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rocio Pinin - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - Nacho GONZÁLEZ - - - - - - - - - - - - -
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved -- - lai museum official website all rights reserved


photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimueum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved
- - - - Ernesto CORO Morán - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - Olalla CORTIZAS - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - Jaime RODRÍGUEZ - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -Basilisa FIESTRAS - - - - - - - -
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009_vegap courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved ---
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved

Cada artista establecía la valoración de su obra y las condiciones para su intercambio por otra de las piezas en exposición, o bien para ofrecer la misma a cambio de un bono de aguinaldo o donación altruista con destino a la financiación del proyecto.

La selección de las piezas, coordinación y comisariado de TODO enCAJA corrió a cargo de Klauss van Damme y María Castellanos y la exposición de las mismas en el espacio expositivo Sala LAi fue producida por el Laboratorio de Arte íntimo

-lai museum official website all rights reserved

photogtraphy copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimueum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved
- - - - - Marcos ARROYO - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - Carolina CALUORI   - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -   Carlos PÉREZ - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - Valle BARANDA Ferrero - - - - - -
photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photogrpahy copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009_vegap courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved
- - - - - - - Helena TORAÑO - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - Pedro MENCHACA - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - Inés FERNÁNDEZ - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - Jose SUÁREZ - - - - - - - - -
photogtaphy copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009_vegap courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009_vegap courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009_vegap courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009_vegap courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved
- - - - - - - - Alberto VALVERDE - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - Ana María MUÑÍZ - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Bea SIEIRO - - - - - - - - -

photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved

photography copyright alfredo colunga 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved
- - - - - - - jf Carrascal - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - Alfredo COLUNGA - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - Luis PINEDA - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - Haya BLANCO - - - - - - - - -
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009_vegap courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved
- - - - - - - - - - Carlos PÉREZ - - - - - - -
- - - - Maria CASTELLANOS Vicente - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - Nel AMARO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - Rocio PINÍN - - - - - - - - -
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimusuem all rights reservedlai museum official website all rights reserved
- - - - - - - - Begoña MUÑOZ - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - Alberto VALVERDE - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - Helena TORAÑO - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - Pedro MENCHACA - - - - - - - - -
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum official website all rights reserved

lai museum official website all rights reserved -----El salón de ná... vida d'2009 ocupó el espacio expositivo Sala LAi hasta el día 6 de Enero de 2009 para acoger y mostrar cuentos y juegos de arte y vida.

lai museum official website all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reservedphotogtaphy copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2009 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum official website all rights reserved
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Nacho GONZALEZ -
- - - - - - - - - - - Eva SEOANE - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - Jaime RODRIGUEZ - - - - - - - - --
- - - Basilisa FIESTRAS - - - - - - - - - - - - -




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LAI MUSEUM. FONDO DOCUMENTAL DE ARTE ACTUAL (Founded in 2003 / Fundado en 2003). Webspace © Begoña Muñoz Fernández (vegap). CONTACT:


cooridnacion y comisariado klauss van damme y maria castellanos produccion luzernario coordinacion y comisariado klauss van damme y maria castellanos produccion luzernario lai museum official website all rights reserved laimuseum official web site photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 curtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official webiste all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official webiste all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photogrtaphy copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2009 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved