photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved
Registro Artístico / Presentación Oficial photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved




El 24 de Abril de 2010 se celebró en Laboratorio de Arte íntimo la Presentación Oficial de la exposición un mundo casi perfecto, inaugurada simultáneamente en el espacio físico LAi y en Internet

Con este proyecto ANTONIO NAVARRO obtuvo el Premio de la 11 Ed. de la convocatoria UN ESPACIO EN UN ESPEJO, cuyo jurado estuvo integrado por José Antonio Méndez Sanz, Alfredo Colunga, jf Carrascal y Begoña Muñoz.

El acto de entrega del PREMIO tuvo lugar en el transcurso de un Encuentro de Arte íntimo en el que el artista expuso todos los pormenores de su propuesta e invitó a los asistentes a visitar la exposición y el sitio web que se inauguraba simutáneamente.



photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved

photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved

Photography © BEGOÑA MUÑOZ 2010 - All Rghts Reserved (vegap) 

photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved

photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved lai museum official website all rights reserved Registro Artístico / Presentación Oficial

photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved  



(...) un proyecto lleno de guiños y sugerencias que ofrece al viandante curioso la oportunidad de asomarse a la ventana que se abre al interior del espacio expositivo (...)



photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved... lai museum official website all rights reserved FONDO DOCUMENTAL DE ARTE ACTUAL
  photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved  
photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedlai museum official website all rights reserved Registro Artístico / Presentación Oficial
photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved  PREMIO 11 Ed. UN ESPACIO EN UN ESPEJO
photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedlai museum official website all rights reserved Registro Artístico

lai museum official website all rights reserved


photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved  
lai museum official website all rights reserved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved
photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedlai museum official website all rights reserved


(...) un trabajo alejado del deseo de alcanzar la perfección (...)

lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtsy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved  
  Photography © BEGOÑA MUÑOZ 2010 - All Rights Reserved (vegap)  

lai museum official website all rights reserved


photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña mñoz fernandez 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved lai museum official website all rights reserved Registro Artístico
photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to laimuseum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved
lai museum official website all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved
El artista ANTONIO NAVARRO  recibe en el Laboratorio de Arte íntimo  de manos de  KLAUSS VAN DAMM E el Premio de la 11 Ed. de la convocatoria UN ESPACIO EN UN ESPEJO






Advertencia.-  El contendio albergado en este sitio web pertenece a su autor, o autores debidamente acreditados, quienes de común acuerdo autorizan y acuerdan su publicación en este medio con la finalidad exclusiva de facilitar la consulta y visualización telemática del mismo. La utilización, descarga o manipulación y utlización cualquiera de la totalidad o parte del Fondo Documental compilado en -ya sean textos, imagenes, videos, etc.- requiere autorización expresa y/o licencia de uso, en su caso, sea cual fuere el medio o finalidad y uso, inventado o por inventar. Formato de página optimizado para pantalla de ordenador personal. Resolución 800x600. Registro artístico, diseño, realización y compilación  web realizados por Begoña Muñoz Fernández y publicados en este sitio al amparo de la Ley de la Propiedad Intelectual. Reservados Todos los Derechos / All Rights Reserved / vegap /






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. LAI MUSEUM. FONDO DOCUMENTAL DE ARTE ACTUAL (Founded in 2003 / Fundado en 2003). Webspace © Begoña Muñoz Fernández (vegap). CONTACT: