Relationship of Shape and Colors CHOICHI NISHIKAWA |
(..) I have applied a lithography technique as a means of stacking the limited color, but those of artwork does not have the edition number. Their color and shape can find a relationship of negotiation method from a myriad of windows that have been embossed using the Koyori or Rice. To parallel a plurality of artwork, it will be able to be reverberate its own breathing and heartbeat in the space not only shown the variation (..) かたち
TITLE: Relationship of Shape and Colors
TITLE: Relationship of Shape and Colors
Choichi Nishikawa 2015
TITLE: Relationship of Shape and Colors
Choichi Nishikawa 2015
TITLE: Relationship of Shape and Colors
Choichi Nishikawa 2015
Instalación artística específica. Exposición a través de la ventana / through the windows
[ + ] about the ARTIST |
[ + ] CARTEL かたち と 色 |
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