Relationship of Shape and Colors






(..) I have applied a lithography technique as a means of stacking the limited color, but those of artwork does not have the edition number. Their color and shape can find a relationship of negotiation method from a myriad of windows that have been embossed using the Koyori or Rice.

To parallel a plurality of artwork, it will be able to be reverberate its own breathing and heartbeat in the space not only shown the variation (..)











lai museum official website all rights reserved


TITLE: Relationship of Shape and Colors


#2-'15 light Monotype by Oil ink, Scratching and Embossing by Rice on Tosa washi paper 76 x 56 cm.

Choichi Nishikawa 2015





lai museum official website all rights reserved


 TITLE: Relationship of Shape and Colors

#4-'15 light Monotype by Oil ink, Scratching and Embossing by Rice on Tosa washi paper 76 x 56 cm.

Choichi Nishikawa 2015






lai museum official website all rights reserved


TITLE: Relationship of Shape and Colors

#5-'15 dark Monotype by Oil ink, Scratching and Embossing by Rice on B.F.K paper 76 x 56 cm.

Choichi Nishikawa 2015







lai museum official website all rights reserved

TITLE: Relationship of Shape and Colors

#9-'15 light Monotype by Oil ink, Scratching and Embossing by Rice on Tosa washi paper 76 x 56 cm.

Choichi Nishikawa 2015








23 de Marzo a 27 de Abril de 2019

     Instalación artística específica. Exposición a través de la ventana / through the windows  

salalai Calle Rosario 21, Gijón. Asturias (EC)





PRESENTACIÓN OFICIAL 23 de Marzo a las 21:15 h.



action art / once in a life time


PS. Kaori will offer limited matcha tea (powdered green tea) and delicated sweets in addition to the minimal tea ceremony tools.

Maximun number of participants: About 20 persons

Participation Fee: Donation

Visitor: Unlimited (A través de la ventana / through the windows)


        [ + ]





        [ + ] about the ARTIST


        [ + ] CARTEL かたち   と 


        [ + ] TARJETÓN  

          [ + ] CARTEL CHANOYU  
          [ + ] TARJETÓN CHANOYU    





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laimuseum FONDO DOCUMENTAL DE ARTE ACTUAL (Fundado en 2003 / Founded in 2003). Webspace © Begoña Muñoz Fernández (vegap). CONTACT: