









lai museum official website all rights reserved

Montaje de equipamiento técnico para Intervención Sonora en Sala LAi 

21.10.2011 photography copyright begoña muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña Muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña Muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved

Instantes del proceso de montaje del equipamiento de sonido para la intervecnión acústica de Según Se Mire en Sala LAi. PHOTO © BEGOÑA MUÑOZ - All Rights Reserved (vegap)







photography copyright begoña muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña Muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña Muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña Muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña Muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved




José Antonio Fernández y Roberto Molero dieron vida al proyecto Según Se Mire en 1995. Desde entonces viene desarrollando un trabajo de investigación musical con base en la palabra y la música,un trabajo con el que tratan de encontrar nuevos caminos de expresión. Su proceso de búsqueda comenzó recreando libremente temas del cancionero popular, lo cual les ha inducido a la creación de temas propios, temas originales que componen e interpretan conjuntamente. En 2009 presentaron su primer bloque temático UNO MAS UNO en el transcurso de una inolvidable intervención acústica llevada a cabo en el Laboratorio de Arte íntimo en Diciembre de 2009. Desde entonces han interpretado sus composiciones en diferentes ámbitos donde la cultura y el arte conviven: librerías, cafés, centros culturales, y tembién en la calle.

En Octubre de 2011 regresan al Laboratorio de Arte íntimo del Barrio de La Soledad para presentar sus útimas composiciones  compartir con los asistentes momentos de charla y degustación de viandas caseras.

CANCIONES reúne en Sala LAi a un grupo de personas dispuestas a escuchar con fruición DOBLE O NADA, lo último de Según Se Mire.






photography copyright begoña muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña Muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved

Instantes del proceso de montaje del equipamiento de sonido para la intervecnión acústica de Según Se Mire en LAi · Phtography © BEGOÑA MUÑOZ 2011 - All Rights Reserved (vegap) ·       

photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez all rights reserved photography copyright begoña Muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña Muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña Muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña Muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved
Preparativos y montaje de equipamiento técnico para Intervención Sonora de SEGÚN SE MIRE en Sala LAi Laboratorio de Arte íntimo.
photography copyright begoña muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights resrved photography copyright begoña Muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña Muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña Muñoz 2011 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved
   Phtography © Begoña Muñoz 2011 - All Rights Reserved (vegap)









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LAI MUSEUM. FONDO DOCUMENTAL DE ARTE ACTUAL (Founded in 2003 / Fundado en 2003) - Webspace © Begoña Muñoz Fernández (vegap)