salón de ná... vida´05 | REYES MAGOS, ON.G. a Somalia.

Una acción de la Fundación Perruno-Situacionista Laszlo Kovacks (pulgu & Nel Amaro)





Podria muy bien ir a Etiopía, Palestina, Guatemala o, ¿por qué no?, a España, dado que las carencias sociales y económicas son de "allí" y también de "aquí", por mucho que presumamos de "primermundismo" y tenerlo todo. En estas tan felices fiestas navideñas quizás notemos todavía más esas muchas carencias que afectan a los más jóvenes, a los niños aunque  seamos conscientes de que otros segmentos sociales sufren iguales necesidades. Por muchas O.N.G.s que se echen al camino a maquillarle los resultados a los gobiernos y al capitalismo, la cruda verdad es la que es y todos lo sabemos, pero seguimos haciendo que lo ignoramos, o practicando la "caridad laica" y dándonos golpes de pecho para poder tragar con turrón esas imágenes que nos asaltan desde las páginas de los periódicos o las pantallas televisivas.


NEL AMARO, Diciembre 2005




Título de la acción: REYES MAGOS O.N.G. A SOMALIA - Performer: NEL AMAROFecha de la acción: 2 de Enero de 2006. - Duración aprox. de la intervención: 1 h.- Producción FUNDACIÓN PERRUNO-SITUACIONISTA LASZLO kOVACKS & LAI MUSEUM - Espacio expositivo: Sala LAi. Coordinación y montaje expositivo: BEGOÑA MUÑOZ & jf CARRASCAL. Registro artístico: Begoña Muñoz.







El día 2 de Enero de 2006, a las 13:00 horas, la Fundación Perruno-Situacionista LASZLO KOVACKS presentó en el Laboratorio de Arte íntimo la acción titulada Reyes Magos O.N.G. a Somalia.

La propuesta para realizar esta performance, que llevaría a cabo NEL AMARO miembro destacado de la citada Fundación, fue seleccionada a través de la convocatoria salón de ná... vida d'2005


photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved laboratorio de arte intimo photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservee photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photogrphy copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyrigh begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official websiite all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official webiste  all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved declaracion universal de derechos humanos articulo 25 1 un juguete una ilusion foto begoña muñoz cortesia para lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved oro incienso y mirra photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artsit to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz fernandez courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved laimuseum official website laimuseum official website laboratorio de arte intimo photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2005 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved


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LAI MUSEUM. FONDO DOCUMENTAL DE ARTE ACTUAL (Fundado en 2003 / Founded in 2003) - Webspace © Begoña Muñoz Fernández (vegap)            CONTACT: