Artist´s Meeting Site

petit party salalai

encuentro de Arte íntimo

lai museum official website all rights reserved

photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved


Coincidiendo con la clausura de la exposición se celebró en Sala LAi un Encuentro de Arte íntimo con Ana Vila, en cuyo transcurso se presentó una composición sonora de Pablo Moscoso que acompañaba a la instalación artística que bajo el título ce Lugar de Residencia ocupó el citado espacio expositivo en Junio de 2006.

Un petit party con charla en vivo y degustación de pequeñas delicias gastronómicas aportadas por los asistentes puso fin al encuentro, tras lo cual se procedió a la desinstalación de los elementos que formaron parte de la instalación Lugar de Residencia.

______________ Photography © Begoña Muñoz 2006


foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved

“foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved ---lai museum official website all rights reserved FONDO DOCUMENTAL DE ARTE ACTUAL




petit party salalai--encuentro de arte íntimo

registro documental lai museum

Photography © BEGOÑA MUÑOZ 2006
foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rgihts reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved
foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved
foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved

foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved

foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved - photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reservedfoto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved


Photography © BEGOÑA MUÑOZ 2006

foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved

foto begoņa muņoz reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved


Photography © Begoña Muñoz 2006

foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved

“foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved


foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved

foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved

---------------------------foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved

-foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved


foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved

foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos all rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved foto begoņa muņoz 3006 reservados todos los derechos alll rights reserved photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved

foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos photography copyright begoña muñoz 2006 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved

foto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechosfoto begoņa muņoz 2006 reservados todos los derechos

---------------------- petit party salalai--Encuentro de Arte íntimo

registro documental lai museum


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LAI MUSEUM. FONDO DOCUMENTAL DE ARTE ACTUAL ( Founded in 2003 / Fundado en 2003 ). Webspace © BEGOÑA MUÑOZ [ bmz_ ] vegap. CONTACT: